Bing Daily Desktop - PointeDiable

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In all images some information provided by Bing was inserted in the metadata, such as the authors and a brief description of the image.
When available a long description of the photo was also inserted.

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2025‑01‑15 ‑ China
2024‑12‑26 ‑ France

fr Pointe du Diable, Saint Pierre, Parc national de la Réunion
zh Pointe du Diable,圣皮埃尔,留尼汪岛
(© MONTICO Lionel/Alamy)
(© MONTICO Lionel/Hemis/Alamy Stock Photo)

Long description of PointeDiable

Additional information on PointeDiable image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
PointeDiable - 1920x1200 - logo

PointeDiable - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

PointeDiable - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑01‑15 ‑ Japan

ja カラフルな餅花, 愛知県 豊田市
(© Photo taken by Bong Grit/Getty Images)

Long description of Mochibana2025

Additional information on Mochibana2025 image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
Mochibana2025 - 1920x1200 - logo

Mochibana2025 - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

Mochibana2025 - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑01‑14 ‑ International / Brazil / Canada ‑ English / Canada ‑ French / China / China ‑ English / France / Germany / Spain / United Kingdom / United States
2025‑01‑12 ‑ Japan

de Zahara de la Sierra, Cádiz, Spanien
en Village of Zahara de la Sierra overlooking Zahara-El Gastor Reservoir, Cádiz province, Spain
Village of Zahara de la Sierra, Cádiz province, Spain
Zahara de la Sierra, Cadiz, Spain
es Zahara de la Sierra, Cádiz, España
fr Zahara de la Sierra, Cadix, Espagne
ja サアラ・デ・ラ・シエラ, スペイン
pt Vila de Zahara de la Sierra, Cádiz, Espanha
zh Village of Zahara de la Sierra, Cádiz province, Spain
(© SEN LI/Getty Images)

Long description of CadizSpain

Additional information on CadizSpain image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
CadizSpain - 1920x1200 - logo

CadizSpain - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

CadizSpain - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑01‑14 ‑ Italy

it Grotta di Nettuno, Alghero, Sassari, Sardegna
(© Carlo Murenu/Getty Images)

Additional information on NeptunesGrotto image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
NeptunesGrotto - 1920x1200 - logo

NeptunesGrotto - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

NeptunesGrotto - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑01‑14 ‑ India

en Sky full of kites
(© anand purohit/Getty Images)

Long description of SkyKites

Additional information on SkyKites image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
SkyKites - 1920x1200 - logo

SkyKites - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

SkyKites - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑01‑14 ‑ Japan

ja 大英博物館, イギリス
(© Cavan Images/Offset/Shutterstock)

Long description of MuseumCourt

Additional information on MuseumCourt image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
MuseumCourt - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

MuseumCourt - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑01‑13 ‑ International / Brazil / Canada ‑ English / Canada ‑ French / China / China ‑ English / France / Germany / India / Italy / Japan / Spain / United Kingdom / United States

de Cottage und Leuchtturm Tŵr Mawr, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales, UK
en Cottage and Tŵr Mawr lighthouse, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales
Cottage and Tŵr Mawr lighthouse, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales, United Kingdom
Cottage with Tŵr Mawr Lighthouse in the background, Ynys Llanddwyn, Wales
es Faro de Tŵr Mawr, Ynys Llanddwyn, Gales, Reino Unido
fr Cottage et phare de Tŵr Mawr, Ynys Llanddwyn, Pays de Galles, Royaume-Uni
it Cottage e faro di Tŵr Mawr, Ynys Llanddwyn, Galles, Regno Unito
ja イニス・ランドウィン, ウェールズ
pt Casa de campo e farol Tŵr Mawr, Ynys Llanddwyn, País de Gales, Reino Unido
zh 小屋和特尔莫尔灯塔,兰德温岛,威尔士,英国
(© Westend61 on Offset/Shutterstock)

Long description of CoastalWales

Additional information on CoastalWales image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
CoastalWales - 1920x1200 - logo

CoastalWales - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

CoastalWales - 1080x1920 - logo


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