Bing Daily Desktop - GalapagosIguana

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In all images some information provided by Bing was inserted in the metadata, such as the authors and a brief description of the image.
When available a long description of the photo was also inserted.

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2025‑02‑12 ‑ International / Brazil / Canada ‑ English / Canada ‑ French / France / Germany / Italy / Spain / United Kingdom / United States

de Meerechsen, Galápagos-Inseln, Ecuador
en Marine iguanas, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
es Iguanas marinas, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador
fr Iguanes marins, îles Galápagos, Équateur
it Iguane marine, Isole Galápagos, Ecuador
pt Iguanas-marinhas, Ilhas Galápagos, Equador
(© helovi/Getty Images)

Long description of GalapagosIguana

Additional information on GalapagosIguana image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
GalapagosIguana - 1920x1200 - logo

GalapagosIguana - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

GalapagosIguana - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑02‑12 ‑ China / China ‑ English

en Colorful lanterns in Yuyuan garden, Lantern Festival, Shanghai, China
zh 上海豫园的灯会,元宵节,上海市,中国
(© atiger/Shutterstock)

Additional information on LanterFestival25Y image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
LanterFestival25Y - 1920x1200 - logo

LanterFestival25Y - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

LanterFestival25Y - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑02‑12 ‑ India

en Ashoka pillar, Kutagarasala Vihara, Vaishali, Bihar
(© Memoryfor/Shutterstock)

Long description of AshokaPillar

Additional information on AshokaPillar image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
AshokaPillar - 1920x1200 - logo

AshokaPillar - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

AshokaPillar - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑02‑12 ‑ Japan
2025‑01‑01 ‑ International / Brazil / Canada ‑ English / Canada ‑ French / China / China ‑ English / France / Germany / India / Italy / Spain / United Kingdom / United States

de Eisbären beim Spielen in der Arktis
en Polar bears at play in the Arctic
es Osos polares jugando en el Ártico
fr Ours polaires, Arctique
it Orsi polari, Artico
ja ホッキョクグマ
pt Ursos-polares brincando no Ártico
zh 在北极玩耍的北极熊
(© Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock)

Long description of PolarBearSwim

Additional information on PolarBearSwim image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
PolarBearSwim - 1920x1200 - logo

PolarBearSwim - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

PolarBearSwim - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑02‑11 ‑ International / Brazil / Canada ‑ English / Canada ‑ French / China / China ‑ English / France / Germany / India / Spain / United Kingdom / United States

de Yungang-Grotten, Datong, Provinz Shanxi, China
en Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi province, China
es Grutas de Yungang, Datong, provincia de Shanxi, China
fr Grottes de Yungang, Datong, province de Shanxi, Chine
pt Grutas de Yungang, Datong, província de Xanxim, China
zh 云冈石窟,大同,山西省,中国
(© Eric Yang/Getty Images)

Long description of YungangGrottoes

Additional information on YungangGrottoes image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
YungangGrottoes - 1920x1200 - logo

YungangGrottoes - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

YungangGrottoes - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑02‑11 ‑ Italy

it Porto di Sanremo, Imperia, Liguria
(© Pictures-and-Pixels/iStock/Getty images)

Additional information on PanoramaSanremoFestival image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
PanoramaSanremoFestival - 1920x1200 - logo

PanoramaSanremoFestival - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

PanoramaSanremoFestival - 1080x1920 - logo


2025‑02‑11 ‑ Japan

ja 春の訪れを告げる梅の花, 茨城県 水戸市
(© dekitateyo/shutterstock)

Long description of KairakuUme2025

Additional information on KairakuUme2025 image:

1920x1080 1080x1920
KairakuUme2025 - 1920x1200 - logo

KairakuUme2025 - 3840x2160 - Ultra HD

KairakuUme2025 - 1080x1920 - logo


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